Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model

The Research Computing and Data (RCD) Capabilities Model allows institutions to assess their support for computationally- and data-intensive research, to identify potential areas for improvement, and to understand how the broader community views Research Computing and Data support. The Model was developed by a diverse group of institutions with a range of support models, in a collaboration among Internet2, CaRCC, and EDUCAUSE. This Assessment Tool is designed for use by a range of roles at each institution, from front-line support through campus leadership, and is intended to be inclusive across small and large, and public and private institutions. 

Want a quick summary and intro for your team? See our 1-page overview.

Get access to the model by completing this Access Request Form. That will create an individualized copy of the v1.1 RCD CM Assessment tool for your institution. Then, read the Introduction and Guide to Use, and gather your team to complete the assessment. When you’re done with your assessment, use the Community Dataset Submission Form to submit.

Are you just getting started with RCD and looking for a simpler approach?
You’re not alone, and we’ve started a new Focused Tools effort to create tools that are geared at smaller and emerging programs. Check out that work here!

To get help from the RCD CM working group, email, or subscribe to the discussion list (click here to join). Hear how other institutions are completing their assessment and using it as part of strategic planning. Help is also available by joining our monthly RCD CM Office Hours, subscribe to the capsmodel-discuss list above to receive notifications of office hours dates and times. You can also check out slides and recordings from our previous webinars, workshops, etc.

2021 RCD Capabilities Model Community Data report now available

The second Research Computing and Data (RCD) Capabilities Model Community Dataset report is now available through CaRCC’s RCD Nexus as part of a project funded by the National Science Foundation. The report aggregates assessments contributed by 51 higher education institutions, providing insight into the current state of support for RCD. See also the related post.

Version 1.1 of the RCD Capabilities Model released!

May 13, 2021: Internet2, CaRCC, and EDUCAUSE are pleased to announce that there is a new version of the Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model (RCD CM) just in time for you to complete your Institutional assessment and contribute to the 2021 RCD CM Community Dataset! Read more about the new release.

2020 RCD CM Community Dataset report

The report describes the first Research Computing and Data Capabilities Model Community Dataset, aggregating the assessments of 41 Higher Education Institutions. Read more about the Community Dataset.

Thank you to our contributing institutions!

These institutions contributed assessment data in 2020, 2021, and/or 2022 (a number have completed and contributed updated assessments)*.

Arizona State UniversityRutgers UniversityUniversity of Guam
Boston UniversitySouthern Methodist UniversityUniversity of Hawaii at Hilo
Carleton CollegeTennessee Tech UniversityUniversity of Hawaii System
Chaminade University of HonoluluTexas A & M UniversityUniversity of Hawaii West Oahu
Cornell UniversityThe Jackson LaboratoryUniversity of Kentucky
George Mason UniversityThe Ohio State UniversityUniversity of Maryland, College Park
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied SciencesUniversity of AlbertaUniversity of Massachusetts Boston
Kennesaw State UniversityUniversity of ArkansasUniversity of Nevada Reno
Louisiana State UniversityUniversity of British ColumbiaUniversity of New Mexico
Michigan State UniversityUniversity of California BerkeleyUniversity of Rhode Island
Montana State UniversityUniversity of California Los AngelesUniversity of South Carolina
North Carolina State UniversityUniversity of California MercedUniversity of South Dakota
Northwestern UniversityUniversity of California San DiegoUniversity of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
Pennsylvania State UniversityUniversity of California Santa BarbaraUniversity of Utah
Princeton UniversityUniversity of CincinnatiUniversity of Washington
Purdue UniversityUniversity of DelawareYale University
Rochester Institute of TechnologyUniversity of Florida
*Note that we only include those institutions that have agreed to be listed. If your institution contributed assessment data and would like to be included, let us know!

Upcoming events related to the Capabilities Model

  • 2023 Office Hours are scheduled for the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1pm ET. Come join the discussion, get help, and hear how others are using the Model.

See also Previous RCD CM Events and Materials for recordings and slides of webinars, workshops, etc.

Get Involved!

The Working Group has calls every second Wednesday at 11 AM (Pacific time). If you want to help shape the development of the Capabilities Model, write use at or contact the chairs:

Current co-Chairs: Patrick Schmitz (Semper Cogito) and Dana Brunson (Internet2).

Thanks also to former co-Chair Claire Mizumoto (UC San Diego).

Read More about the Capabilities Model

This work has been supported in part by an RCN grant from the National Science Foundation (OAC-1620695, PI: Alex Feltus, “RCN: Advancing Research and Education through a national network of campus research computing infrastructures – The CaRC Consortium”), and by an NSF Cyberinfrastructure Centers of Excellence (CI CoE) pilot award (OAC-2100003, PI Dana Brunson, “Advancing Research Computing and Data: Strategic Tools, Practices, and Professional Development”).

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