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Systems-Facing Track Call, October 21st 2021
October 21, 2021 @ 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm
Systems-Facing Track, Thursday October 21st, 2021 1pm ET/ 12pm CT/ 11am MT/ 10am PT/ 8am HT
Title: Network Troubleshooting: Techniques and Approaches
Presenter(s): Eli Dart – ESnet & Brenna Meade – EPOC
Description: Troubleshooting multi domain connectivity and performance problems can be challenging, both in terms of problem localization and diagnosis. This talk will cover the structure of the R&E networking ecosystem, techniques and approaches for problem localization and diagnosis, and resources in the community – human and machine – that can be helpful.
Call Coordinates (Zoom):
Due to the recent trend in ZoomBombing, please contact the S-F Track Chairs for the Zoom call information, and please include your name and affiliation.
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CaRCC YouTube Channel Systems-Facing Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV-SC0CHLTwehApeMg_fJ5VbYndETh3yT