Mark your calendars for these upcoming People Network virtual meetings. (For handy calendar entries please try the CaRCC Events Calendar.)
Data-Facing Track (first Tuesdays)
Tuesday, July 7, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
What data to keep? — Making decisions about confocal microscopy data
Presenters: Huajin Wang, Librarian/ Program Director for Open Science & Data Collaborations, Carnegie Mellon University Libraries and Susan Ivey, Research Data & Infrastructure Librarian, NC State University Libraries
As the quantity and volume of data produced by research increases exponentially, it has become increasingly challenging to preserve and reproduce data. Traditionally, researchers have often created their own workflows and their own data storage solutions, but this is no longer sustainable, making collaborations and data sharing challenging. On the other hand, data librarians are tasked with helping researchers share and preserve their data, but understanding specific types of data and how to maximize reuse can be difficult. Large and complex data exist in a variety of disciplinary areas, and one example is confocal microscopy data. In April 2019, the Data Curation Network held their 2nd Data Curators Workshop at Johns Hopkins University. Susan Ivey, Amy Koshoffer, Gretchen Sneff, and Huajin Wang formed a group to address many of these issues associated with confocal microscopy data. During this July’s Data-Facing Call, we’ll go into detail about common workflow and challenges that researchers face when working with confocal microscopy data and give an overview of our “Confocal Microscopy Data: A Primer for Curators,” which we created to help those tasked with curating this type of data. We’ll also present some of the use cases that we used to inform this work and invite the audience to think about how to best preserve and share these data.
Researcher-Facing Track (second Thursdays)
Thursday, July 9, 1p ET/ 12p CT/ 11a MT/ 10a PT
Big Data, Big Compute Solutions, a community discussion
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